Garry Leeson, Trevor Work (Bush Foreman), Doug Streeter (Head Mechanic) Rod Kenny ( Truck Foreman ) on study tour to the U.S.A. (1)
Garry & Vicki Leeson (2)
Ricky & Garry Leeson (3)
Garry with his daughter Anita Wilson (4)
Ricky Leeson with forest ops manager Dean Gardener and Chris Brown head mechanic (5)
Ricky Leeson, Anita Wilson & Garry Leeson (6)
Ricky Leeson with Dean Gardiner, Harvesting Manager (7)
Long serving employees Ricky Leeson, Geoff Arthur, Dean Gardiner, Mark Howard and Chris Brown with a forwarder and truck with logs (8)
Ricky Leeson Garry Lesson and Chris Pakulski next to Vicki's Jubilee (9)
Garry Leeson (10)
Ricky Leeson (11)
Folding loader designed and built by Paul Rosin Engineer in Tumut N.S.W. (12)
Leesons fleet (13)
Loader (14)
In the office - Anita Wilson in foreground (15)
In the office - Erin Felsbourg, Alanna Diamond, Nicole McKay, Anita Wilson, Catherine Williams (16)
Garry Leeson and Vicki Leeson with Ricky Leeson (son) and Anita Wilson (daughter) (17)
Ricky Leeson with wife Leah and children Regan, Heath and Jobe (18)
Regan Leeson (19)
Heath Leeson (20)
Jobe Leeson (21)
Nash Wilson (22)
Joanne Wilson with Jesse, Zali, Oliver and husband Mike (23)
Joanne Wilson (24)
Jessie Wilson (25)
Oliver Wilson (26)
Rex Leeson, Murray Crawford, Greg Leeson and Gary Leeson (28)
The story is to be continued... (29)
Rudy Wilson (30)
Zali Wilson (27)
Image References
(1-30) Garry Leeson Collection thanks to Fiona Nicholson for her photography.